Now a day education is need every step of life human
Life is useless without education. A Complete education is 
Necessary  for making our life comfort and skilled.
Today education is as necessary as food. Each and every 
Person  who is  success in this is only based of education, so, success is today depend on sincere study.




About NGO



Birsa children Welfare Academy is an indian Ngo working to improve the lives OF disadvan toyed
children, their familier and Communities Throug an approach that puts children at the center
community development. since 2005 we have been working with our partners to help children
access their rights to proper healthcare, basic education and healthy environment protection 
from abuse and exploitation and participation in the decision that effect their lives.
History About NGO
Birsa social wellfare Academy was founder in 2005 . by Shri Bhuweneshwar Pramanik ( founder of the society)
a social server orginally. it is taken by the name lesson of Bhagwan Birsa.
BSWA A NON PROFIT volunatary social organised founder B.s pramanik is dedication and follower of Dharti aba , Bhagwan Birsa
Our aim is to provide education and vocation training along with different type training along with different type of social services
activities by it make possible to all around develop of our society.